Pet Grooming in Winter: Essential Tips and Tricks

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Based on an article that first appeared at

Many pet owners associate grooming as essential only in the summer, when high temperatures mean ensuring your pet has a light coat to ease the heat. However, grooming is equally important during winter, when cold temperatures and snow mean your pet should retain vital body heat and keep skin hydrated. From a thicker-than-usual coat to extra attention nail care, let’s explore the top tips and tricks for keeping your pet well-groomed throughout the cold winter months.

Grooming also provides you with a chance to check your pet for ectoparasites such as fleas and ticks. 

At Home Basics

Coat Care

Keeping your pet well-groomed during the winter months is not just about maintaining their good looks – it is also essential for their health and well-being. As temperatures drop, your pet's coat becomes their primary defense against the cold, and regular grooming ensures it performs this function optimally.

Your pet’s fur may become more matted during the winter due to longer coats, increased wetness, and static electricity, leading to discomfort and even health issues as it fails to properly insulate and protect your pet's skin. This might mean extra brushing during the winter to avoid matting, so be sure to talk to your veterinarian about the proper tools to use for your pet’s unique coat.

Remember, a clean, well-groomed coat is more effective at keeping your pet warm and comfortable!

Cocker spaniel getting ears groomed

Skin Care

Humans know that cold temperatures mean dry skin; the same applies to our pets. This is because of dry winter air and keeping our homes warm with dry heat. To help pets retain skin moisture and avoid uncomfortable itching, they should receive a thorough shampoo, conditioning, and brushing once a month. Moisturizing shampoos should be used over lotions, which can cause the coat to become greasy. If dry skin becomes problematic for your pet despite these efforts, talk to your veterinarian about omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplements, which are oral remedies to help replenish natural skin oils. The American Kennel Club offers more insight into dry skin on dogs.  It may also benefit your pet's coat to use a veterinary approved leave-in conditioner after shampooing to minimize the drying effects of shampoos on your pet's skin and coat.

Ear and Nail Care

Ear and nail care are essential aspects of pet health and become increasingly important during the winter months for several reasons:

Ear Care: Prevention of Infections

  • Moisture Build-Up: In winter, pets are more likely to experience a build-up of moisture in their ears, especially after being outside in wet conditions or after baths. This moisture can create an ideal environment for bacterial and yeast infections.
  • Reduced Air Circulation: Some pets have ears that naturally trap moisture and reduce air circulation, such as those with floppy ears. These issues can become more pronounced in colder weather, increasing the risk of infections.

Nail Care: Comfort and Mobility

  • Reduced Natural Filing: In warmer months, pets’ nails may naturally wear down from outdoor activities on various surfaces. In winter, however, pets may be less active outdoors or walk on softer, wet surfaces, leading to less natural filing of their nails.
  • Overgrown Nails: Overgrown nails can cause discomfort or lead to an altered gait, which can affect a pet's mobility and joint health. In severe cases, long nails can curl and grow into the paw pads, causing pain and possible infections.
  • Slippery Surfaces: Properly trimmed nails are crucial for providing traction on slippery surfaces, such as ice or snow. Long nails can reduce the ability of the paw pads to grip effectively, increasing the risk of slips and falls.
  • Indoor Considerations: During winter, pets spend more time indoors, where their long nails can more easily snag on carpets or damage flooring.

Toe and Pad Care

Winter means roads are often covered in salt or sand, and the walkways and steps around our homes often have ice melt to keep them safe. This makes cleaning and trimming the hair that grows between your pet’s toes and pads very important to prevent them from ingesting something toxic and, in turn, experiencing gastrointestinal issues. Snow can become lodged in those spaces and cause frostbite in severe cases. Keeping this hair trimmed will prevent the accumulation of snow, salt, and sand, allowing you to wipe them clean and avoid issues easily. If your dog is a willing participant, invest in some booties for winter outdoor time.

Cat getting paws groomed and clipped.

Leave it to the Professionals

Choosing a professional groomer over at-home grooming for your pets during the winter months can offer several significant benefits and check off all the boxes above:

  1. Expert Coat Management: As we mentioned, winter often means thicker coats for many pets. Professional groomers are skilled in managing these dense coats, ensuring they are free from mats and tangles, which can cause skin irritation and discomfort. They understand how to trim the coat appropriately without over-thinning, maintaining the natural insulation pets need in cold weather.
  2. Skin Health Check: Groomers are adept at spotting skin issues that might not be immediately visible to pet owners, especially under thick winter fur. They can identify dry skin, dandruff, or any signs of skin diseases or parasites and can recommend appropriate actions or treatments.
  3. Proper Bathing and Drying: Bathing pets at home during winter can be challenging, as they need to be thoroughly dried to prevent them from getting cold. Professional groomers have the right equipment to bathe and dry pets thoroughly and quickly, reducing the risk of chills or hypothermia.
  4. Paw and Nail Care: Groomers take special care in trimming nails and the hair between paw pads, reducing the accumulation of ice and snow, which can be painful and lead to cuts or cracks. They may also apply protective balms to prevent dry, cracked pads.
  5. Ear Cleaning: Echoing what we said earlier, cold and wet conditions can increase the risk of ear infections. Groomers ensure that ears are clean and dry, reducing the likelihood of infection.
  6. Professional Products: Groomers use high-quality shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for pets, helping keep their coat and skin healthy during the dry, cold months.
  7. Reduced Stress for Pet Owners: Regular grooming requires time and effort, which might be more challenging in the winter. Professional grooming services alleviate this burden on pet owners while ensuring pets are well cared for.
  8. Personalized Care: Professional groomers can provide breed-specific grooming that caters to the unique needs of each pet, something that can be especially important in managing winter coats effectively.
  9. Socialization and Comfort: Regular visits to the groomer can be a comforting routine for pets, offering social interaction and a change of environment, which can be especially beneficial during the less active winter months.

Winter Grooming Overview

As pet owners, your furry friends depend on you to meet their needs all year round. While winter brings its own set of challenges, keeping up with a regular grooming schedule can help mitigate these issues and ensure our pets are as healthy and comfortable as possible.

So, whether you’re reaching for the brush, scheduling a grooming appointment, or ensuring those nails are neatly trimmed, remember that these simple acts of care are vital to your pet's overall happiness and health. Grooming is not just a seasonal task; it's a year-round commitment to the well-being of our animal companions.

If you have questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (650) 535-3557, or you can email us at Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram.